Siblings Sharing Bedroom

Siblings Sharing Bedroom
Siblings Sharing Bedroom

Shared Bedrooms - How To Make It Work
By Sherrie Le Masurier - Ezinearticles

If you have more children than you have space, it's time for some creative solutions. Sharing a bedroom means having two of everything - duplicate beds, dressers, storage units etc. To avoid conflict over who has the better desk or dresser consider the same furnishings for both children.

Siblings Sharing Bedroom

Their individuality is expressed in your creative approach to decorating each child's own space. One good approach is to give each sibling his own set of belongings in his own color and seek input from him regarding how he wishes to decorate his part of the shared bedroom.

Siblings Sharing Bedroom

It's important that shared bedrooms have some consistent design elements that tie the room together and a storage system which encourages organization from both parties. To eliminate major design and décor conflicts it's important that you harmonize the individual spaces. By carefully meshing two tastes into one overall environment you can create a welcoming space that's ideal for both sleep and play.

Siblings Sharing Bedroom

Encourage your children to either decide on two different but coordinating room colors or one main color in two different shades. Keep things simple, separate and color-coded. Add variety and distinction to each siblings area by incorporating brightly colored storage bins and laundry hampers.

Siblings Sharing Bedroom

Consider adding striped and patterned accessories to an otherwise basic colored backdrop. Bed linens are another great focal point for individual tastes. Think floral and plaids or stripes and solids. Reversible bed coverings are also ideal in shared rooms. Consider stackable storage cubes that not only divide the space but also serve as storage compartments for each child's belongings.

Siblings Sharing Bedroom

When it comes to physically dividing the room, screens with hinged panels may be just the answer for siblings who have a real love/hate relationship. The hinges make folding and storing easy when your kids are having a good 'shared' space day.

Siblings Sharing Bedroom

Siblings Sharing Bedroom
Siblings Sharing Bedroom

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